Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is it with books making me cry this year?

I ask you! It's awful! At least that means they're good, I suppose.

I'm about 3/4 of the way done with P.C. and Kristin Cast's Betrayed, the second installment in the "House of Night" series. If you're wondering, this is what made me cry. Be forewarned if you haven't already read this.

For that matter, this book is also making me extremely frustrated. Why? Because, to avoid spoilers, having an issue deciding on a guy is a huge pet peeve of mine when it comes to female protagonists nowadays. Really? It's not that hard.

Rant aside, I'll soon be moving onto another Meg Cabot book (still no Princess Diaries, just not interested!). That novel is called Shadowland, and it's the first in her Mediator series about Suze, who can communicate with the dead. I accidentally grabbed a later installment in the series and only just realized my mistake today after looking up the series on Wikipedia. Oops.

I had a similar incident with the 13 to Life series, in which I looked up the title of the second book a very long time ago, forgot it, and then grabbed what I thought the second novel was at the library probably a week ago. I sat down to start it last night and, about fifteen pages in, realized I had no clue what was going on. I'd checked out the third book. Oops.

Well, I already described Insatiable by Meg Cabot in my last post (a recommended read), so I'll try and give a spoiler-free explanation of P.C. and Kristin Cast's Betrayed. Well, this novel continues with Zoey Redbird's attending of the House of Night school for fledgling vampyres. She's just become the leader of a sorority of sorts called the Dark Daughters and there have been a few bumps along the way in this next chapter, including a new love interest (thus my frustration).

It's like a car accident. It's horrible, not fun, you want to look away, but you just can't. You have to keep watching. GUH! Dx

Before I read Shadowland, I should probably read So Silver Bright, the third installment of Lisa Mantchev's magical Bertie Shakespeare series. This one is set in modern times (I think...) and most of the story takes place in the Théâtre Illuminata, a spellbound place where every character from every play ever created resides and performs. Bertie, or Beatrice Shakespeare, was taken in by the Theatre as a little girl and has formed everlasting bonds with the characters though she is not one herself.

She acts as an assistant, of sorts, to the Theatre and the shenanigans that go on in that place? Just wow.

When the Théâtre becomes endangered after the Book (a list of all the characters and what binds them all to the Théâtre) is stolen, Bertie and her always-ravenous fairy friends from A Midsummer Night's Dream (Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, and Moth) and Nate, a pirate from The Little Mermaid must find and return it before characters like Bertie's friend (kind of) Ariel, the wind spirit from The Tempest gets his hands on it and releases his mischief on the outside world.

It's really the most unique, imaginative, playful, and heartwarming set of novels I've found and read in a long time. (: Definitely recommend them!

If you should choose to read this series by Lisa Mantchev, the books go in this order:
Eyes Like Stars
Perchance to Dream
So Silver Bright

And that's my two cents for the week between this blog post and the last~!

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