Friday, October 14, 2011

Quarterly Currently~

- Meg Cabot (454 pages)
Betrayed - P.C. and Kristin Cast (310 pages)
Total for this week... 764 pages.
Last week's total: 462 pages.

El gran total: 7107 pages.


For the most part, I find myself reading at night in bed or after school on the couch in my living room while my mom watches shows on the DVR. I'm not surprised (well, I am a little) by the quantity of my reading, but I am surprised by how many books I've found to read and liked this quarter. Usually that is a huge obstacle for me; if I don't know the author, I usually won't pick it up. As you can probably guess, this means I struggle with finding new books to read. However, that hasn't happened this year. Maybe it's because of this class or maybe it's the new experience of being a student assistant in the library. I would venture to guess that both had something to do with this little change of heart and I'm glad I finally broke out of that shell I was in, because I didn't used to be so picky. I've found some books that I really love this quarter and I can't wait to see what next quarter brings.

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