Friday, October 21, 2011

Orthodontistry has nothing to do with it.

, Meg Cabot's sequel to her vampyric thriller/romance, Insatiable, starts off six months after where the first book ends. Meena, a psychic of sorts in that she can see how a person is going to die, is having trouble sorting out exactly what she wants to do about her now ex-boyfriend, Lucien, a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler's (Dracula's) son and Prince of Darkness. She also has mixed feelings for her new coworker, vampire slayer, Alaric Wulf. However tumultuous Meena's love-life may be, the world around her is becoming even more so. Murders are starting up again, more grotesque and frequent than last time and it's up to them to solve the problem before it gets any further out of hand.

This is not a series; Meena's written story ends with this book. I enjoyed it almost as much as the first one (Insatiable remains my favorite) and although the ending was bittersweet, it was right. That's all I'll say about it. (:

Recommended. Adventurous, funny, romantic, action-y... These books have it all.

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