Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Meg Cabot, why you do this? xP

Whilst reading the second installment of Cabot's "The Mediator" series, I stumbled upon something most unfortunate...

So much for reading something not involving vampires.

I have no problem with vampires, I really don't. Heck, the books I write involve their fair share of vampires. But, really? I was using this series about GHOSTS, thank you, to get a break from vampire novels. I love the paranormal/supernatural element in stories, but sometimes, vampires just don't belong. ><"

Anyway, rant aside, book two of "The Mediator" series, Ninth Key, has been good so far. I half-expected to tire of the series temporarily (especially because I have a book at home I've been dying to read...), but I'm interested again. The narrator's voice was getting on my nerves a little last night, but I think I should be fine. (:

So, yes, Suze Simon (which sounds way too much like the girl from The Lovely Bones for my liking, but no complaints). Still going to her new high school in northern California, still bantering with Jesse (the ghost haunting her bedroom), and still being coerced into fighting ghosts by fellow mediator, Father Dominic, who is also the principal of her school.

And she's gotten a nasty case of poison oak. She makes it clear on the first page of Ninth Key that, similarly to how everyone told her there would be palm trees in the first installment, no one told her there would be an abundance of poison oak.


  1. AH! I loved this series! I really did...ahah, but i read the fifth one first? It was really confusing...I actually think the fifth book is the best in the series...which one is the Ninth Key? I forget..:(

  2. Ninth Key is the second book in the series. Yeah, I almost did the same thing, but noticed the number on the side before I started reading it. (:

    But yes, I like this series, too. (: It's very unique and funny.
