Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ghosts and Stuff

Meg Cabot's "The Mediator" series tells the story of Suze Simon, a sixteen year-old girl who rather reluctantly communicates with the dead. At the start of the first book, Shadowland, she is forced to move out to Northern California to live with her mother, step-father, and three step-siblings she fondly refers to as Sleepy, Dopey, and Doc.

She finds a problem with the house immediately: it's an old building. Suze hates old buildings because of the paranormal experiences she's had in them. The older the building, the more likely that someone has died in there, she notes with more frustration than concern.

Suze proves to be right about the ghost situation; a nineteenth century cowboy lives right in Suze's new bedroom.

Not only does Suze have to deal with a ghost in her room and all the familial and new-girl issues that come with her giant move from New York City, there is also a ghostly disturbance at her new high school.

I'm probably 2/3 done with the first installment of the series and I'm really enjoying it, as I thought I would. (: I recommend it if you like quirky protagonists and a fair amount of phantoms.

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