Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Again, I take it back.

Okay, so I'm now reading the sequel to Marked, titled Betrayed.

Marked got better after about the first hundred-fifty pages or so because it increased in the magic and action department and by that time I was used to the writing style and setting. A few unexpected things occurred, too, but just in case you're reading this and considering trying this series, I won't say a word about them.

Not my favorite book, but entertaining. I'm glad someone forced me to read it, haha.

I'm also simultaneously reading Insatiable by Meg Cabot. After reading her mythical spin-off of the tale of Hades and Persephone, I decided I'd try a couple more of her books (that weren't princess-related. Sorry, Mia). Insatiable came up on the library search and I tracked it down to find that it, too, was a vampire book.


I'm going to clear this up once and for all because if you're a regular reader of my blog (first of all, thank you), you're probably wondering, "Okay... So you read some books that the vampire-drama True Blood is based on, you liked Marked, and you now claim that you don't like vampire books?"

I do enjoy books on vampires. I like supernatural stuff. What I don't like is how after Twilight was released and dragged to fame by its raging club of fan girls, the only books seemingly published were about vampires with a soft heart. I'd originally looked into Meg Cabot's books to see if she had more Greek myth-based novels because that turned out to be exceedingly interesting to me.

So when I found yet another vampire romance novel, my first thought was, "Not you, too."

However, I started Insatiable two days ago and I really, really like it. The title comes from the soap opera channel for which the female protagonist, Meena Harper, writes dialogue. The storyline, just after the first 100 pages already contains vampires, vampire hunters, eccentric neighbors, and a bunch of mysterious events, especially concerning Meena. Even she isn't normal; she can look at a person and see exactly how (and I believe when) they're going to die. And she absolutely dreads it.

It's a different and much deeper story than the shallow stories publishers seem to be drooling over nowadays. I also enjoy Meg Cabot's writing style (it's easy to read and very easy to identify with) and her interesting storylines.

In other news, I have waiting for me at home after I finish these novels...
Haunted, Meg Cabot and So Silver Bright, Lisa Mantchev (love her (: )

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