Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday, I'm in love.

A song by The Cure. (:

So, this week I've managed to read...
The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor. (358 pages)
The Iron Daughter -
Julie Kagawa. (359 pages)
The Lady of the Storm - Kathryne Kennedy. (354 pages)
In the President's Secret Service - Ronald Kessler. (262 pages)
Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris. (36 pages)
For a grand weekly total of... 1369 pages.
Last week's total: 1420 pages.

The true grand total of all grand totals: 4129 pages.

Quotations of the Week:
1) "It's all in your head," Genevieve said.
"I know," said Alyss, and despite the traumas of the past, the uncertainty of the future, she wouldn't have given up this moment for anything. "Isn't it wonderful?" - The Looking Glass Wars.

This segment, I just liked because the "wonderful" part tied into the whole story. (: Even though I didn't particularly like the book, it was a good ending.

2) "If people had a clue of what their presidents were really like... They would scream." - In the President's Secret Service.

Because it's true. I was shocked and appalled at some of the stuff I read in that book.

3) But rural northern Louisiana wasn't too tempting to vampires, apparently; on the other hand, New Orleans was a real center for them--the whole Anne Rice thing, right? - Dead Until Dark.

This just struck me as funny. (: Plus I plan to read some Anne Rice sometime soon.


  1. Really interesting, personal journal, Marceline. Let's try to reflect on your reading a little more regularly--I want to hear more about what you think about all of these books you get through.
