Friday, September 16, 2011

I kinda slacked off this week... o.o

Compared to last week, anyway. Oh, well, I'm still above the requirement, so I'm all right with that.

The reading goes like this...
Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris (279 pages)
Living Dead in Dallas -
Charlaine Harris (291 pages)
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim - David Sedaris (56 pages)
Book of Useless Information (286 pages)
For a grand weekly total of... 912 pages.
Last week's total: 1369 pages.

The true grand total of all grand totals: 5041 pages.

Quotations of the Week:
1) This was pretty exotic stuff for a telepathic barmaid from northern Louisiana. - Dead Until Dark

This line ended up as my favorite simply because it made me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine and I was having a really bad day when I read this. (:

2) I knew I was supposed to be happy, but part of me felt personally assaulted. Like he'd been a negligent prince, yet I still believed in the monarchy. - Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

I loved the metaphor here, it came together perfectly considering the plotline so far and making good connections is something I strive to do both in everyday thoughts and in my own writing. Therefore, I appreciate good figurative language when I see it, especially imagery and metaphor. This one basically popped off the page at me.

3) [the last fact in the book] About 97 percent of all statistics are made up. - The Book of Useless Information

I stared at the page for a minute and said aloud, "Well, great. Thanks a lot." And then I laughed once more. x)

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