Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday's Update. o:

City of Glass, Cassandra Clare - 553 pages
The Iron King, Julie Kagawa - 363 pages
City of Fallen Angels, Cassandra Clare - 425 pages
The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor - 79 pages
This week's page total: 1420
Last week's page total: 640

Combined with the last two weeks' total, that puts me at...
2760 pages.

And now for las frases fenomenales. (The Phenomenal Sentences)

1) She was as beautiful and awful as a dying season. - City of Fallen Angels

And now because my text won't go off italics, I'll just continue by saying I really liked the imagery of this sentence. It actually made me stop and really think about how the woman they were talking about (which was the Seelie Queen) looked like. I thought of autumn, how as lovely as it is, it's sad because the leaves are dying.

2) "You love each other--anyone can see that, looking at you--that kind of love that can burn down the world or raise it up in glory." - City of Fallen Angels

My reaction to this one was similar to my favorite quote this week. I stopped and thought about it. The line really rang out against everything else and struck a chord with me, I think. Especially the last bit. ("that kind...glory.")

3) "Hope lives eternal." - The Iron King

I just liked this because as simple as the line is, it means so much. And, beyond that, it's true.

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