Friday, August 26, 2011

Well, right now...

City of Ashes, Cassandra Clare
City of Glass, Cassandra Clare

This week: 640 pages
Last week: (approx.) 700 pages
(The Dark and Hollow Places, Carrie Ryan
City of Bones, Cassandra Clare)

Grand Total So Far: 1340 pages.

Sentences of the Week:

1. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I thought you could use the rest. Besides, you were sleeping like the dead. You even drooled," he added. "On my shirt."
Clary's hand flew to her mouth. "Sorry."
"It's not often you get to see someone drool," Jace observed. "Especially with such total abandon. Mouth wide open and everything."
"Oh, shut up." City of Ashes

2. "It's not a file hidden in a birthday cake, but it'll keep my hands from falling off." City of Ashes

3. "Because you weren't in love with him. That's an iffy proposition, and I think he's handling it with grace. A lot of teenage boys would sulk, or lurk around under your window with a boom box." City of Glass

I listed the quotes in order of my favorites, so the first one won this week's best quote that I read. I just liked it because it was very funny to me at the time and made me laugh really, really hard. Partly because it was so absurd, and partly because I could just hear the sarcasm dripping from the words.

It also sounds like something I would say to someone.

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