Saturday, August 27, 2011

It smells good outside!

Because it just rained...yeah. x)

"Random Fact of the Day" is...
Louisa May Alcott, author of the literary classic Little Women, hated children. She only wrote the book because her publisher asked her to.

It's so quiet here. Just me, my music, and the sound of computer keys. It's nice.
Going to the movies with my momma a little later to see Bridesmaids. Apparently it's supposed to be really, really funny, so... I'll write up a verdict when I return. Or the next time I get a chance to log on, at least. It's such a beautiful night...

What's stuck in my head: "If I Die Young" - The Band Perry.
What's on my mind: The prospect of finishing my book. It's so exciting! I probably have between...fifteen and thirty pages to go, depending on how many ideas pop up between now and then. Heh, just wait... Here's a wise thing to do: take whatever number I just put up and add another fifteen pages to it. Because that's what always, blessedly, happens. (;
What I should be doing: Not really anything at the moment... Maybe working on my English paper rough draft, but that can wait until tomorrow. It's not due for a few days, anyway. :P #FamousLastWords

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. (:

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