Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday's Status Update

A reading-login thingy is soon to follow.
Here's what I've read this week...

3 pages of Edgar Allan Poe's poetic works.
376 pages (the entirety of) The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan.
244 pages of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.
623 pages this week and this semester.

I wonder if there's a counter gadget that I could use for this...

Pretty sure I met this week's pop fiction quota...
Just saying, this may very well clue you in to who I am if you didn't already know.

Top sentences of this week's reading:
3rd Place: (from City of Bones) "Nice to see she's doing a booming business. It's hard to get steady prophet work these days..."
2nd Place:

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