Friday, August 19, 2011

So, 'bout this blog...

First of all, hi. If you're reading this, thank you. I feel a little bit special (even though I have no way of knowing you're looking at this, right now...).

Second of all, did you look up? (: If you did, what did you see?
The title of my isn't just something random I used because I couldn't come up with something really crazy-awesome.
Honestly, it's from a Jones Soda bottle cap. Upon reading it, I laughed aloud and did what it told me to, though a little warily.

I'm one of those people that looks at everything. Whether I'm riding in a car, walking down the street...anytime, anywhere. And every morning on my way to school because there almost always seems to be a beautiful sunrise outside my window. However, I've come to notice over the years that not a lot of people do the same...

...Therefore, this is my blog title. I keep that bottle cap in my room, sometimes in a jacket pocket and whenever I absent-mindedly pull it out and read it, I look up. And every time, I see something different. Something I probably would not have seen had it not been for something as simple as a soda cap.

By this point, you may think I'm silly or crazy or all of the above; I enjoy the flash of curiosity or inspiration that strikes me during those moments. But I want you to be able to use this blog, whenever you read it, as your bottle cap. It may be the same thing that you see every time: the ceiling of some place in your home, the white sectioned ceiling of Mr. Hill's classroom, the similar ceiling of the library...

But at least there will be that fraction of a second, even just the first time, that you wonder what you'll find.

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