Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reading, reading~...

Finished City of Bones earlier this week, now onto book two of the series, City of Ashes. (:

The main reason I picked up that first book was because quite a few of my friends highly recommended the series. I can see why now. Basically, the story starts off when Clary, a fifteen year-old girl, stumbles upon a group of demon slayers called Shadowhunters and soon realizes that only she can see them. Then, while trying to figure out exactly why she can see them, her mother mysteriously disappears and the secrets tumble out from there.

I would recommend it. If you like Harry Potter or stories that include demons, monsters, and magic in general, you'd probably enjoy this series.

It also surprised me a little because I half-expected it to be similar to a lot of the "novels" directed toward teenage girls who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of vampires, judging by the first book's cover. However, the saying holds (don't judge a book by its cover) because this series could just as easily be enjoyed by guys. (:

Impressed so far, to say the least.

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