Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I take back what I said.

The Iron King was not a particularly dumb book. I actually ended up enjoying it once I saw it through and got used to the setting. I have the sequel on hold at the library. (:

Next though will be The City of Fallen Angels, and then after that, The Looking Glass Wars, which I've heard a lot of good things about. (: Considering my love for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I'll probably like it. It seems very, very interesting.

Interesting picture I happened upon via Google. That's all for now~!

What's stuck in my head: "The Edge of Glory" by Lady GaGa.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just an update~

Randomly found my chalk pastel self-portrait yesterday. Still wondering how it ended up behind stuff in the living room, of all places... Possibly because it wouldn't fit where I keep the rest of my art? Either way, this was the one piece I couldn't manage to think of a good name for. I had to put something down as a title before it went into the Spring Arts Gallery, so I deemed it "Aquawoman." XD

...I really need to find somewhere better to put all that stuff than an old H&M bag.

Finished City of Glass yesterday. Probably my favorite book in the series. Now all I have is the...fourth one? And that's it, I'm pretty sure... I haven't put a lot of research into it.

Currently reading The Iron King by Julie Kagawa. It's...interesting, I guess... Maybe it's just not what I like to read. It's too, how do I say this...I suppose juvenile in writing style. It's trying too hard to be an awesome book when, yes, it is an interesting storyline, but it's just not written all that well.

Oh, well, I'll see where it takes me, I guess...

This book actually reminds me a bit of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in how it's progressing.

1) Normal girl cast into a world she doesn't understand.
2) Is harrassed by various odd creatures.
3) Gets help from a talking, mischevious cat who can pop off its body parts on whim.

...Yup. lol

Listening to "Vincent" by Don McLean. Another pretty night. (:

And, just saying, it took me all of a week to cracking and drawing on the cover of my Moleskine. The back's all I've managed to decimate so far, but the rest is sure to follow. (:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

It smells good outside!

Because it just rained...yeah. x)

"Random Fact of the Day" is...
Louisa May Alcott, author of the literary classic Little Women, hated children. She only wrote the book because her publisher asked her to.

It's so quiet here. Just me, my music, and the sound of computer keys. It's nice.
Going to the movies with my momma a little later to see Bridesmaids. Apparently it's supposed to be really, really funny, so... I'll write up a verdict when I return. Or the next time I get a chance to log on, at least. It's such a beautiful night...

What's stuck in my head: "If I Die Young" - The Band Perry.
What's on my mind: The prospect of finishing my book. It's so exciting! I probably have between...fifteen and thirty pages to go, depending on how many ideas pop up between now and then. Heh, just wait... Here's a wise thing to do: take whatever number I just put up and add another fifteen pages to it. Because that's what always, blessedly, happens. (;
What I should be doing: Not really anything at the moment... Maybe working on my English paper rough draft, but that can wait until tomorrow. It's not due for a few days, anyway. :P #FamousLastWords

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. (:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Personality

INFJ is what I got. I'll put more thought into later.

August 29, 2011: After putting more thought into it, I have absolutely no idea of what this could mean.

Random Fact of the Day for August 26th~!

During the eighteenth century, books that were considered offensive were "punished" by being whipped.

Well, right now...

City of Ashes, Cassandra Clare
City of Glass, Cassandra Clare

This week: 640 pages
Last week: (approx.) 700 pages
(The Dark and Hollow Places, Carrie Ryan
City of Bones, Cassandra Clare)

Grand Total So Far: 1340 pages.

Sentences of the Week:

1. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I thought you could use the rest. Besides, you were sleeping like the dead. You even drooled," he added. "On my shirt."
Clary's hand flew to her mouth. "Sorry."
"It's not often you get to see someone drool," Jace observed. "Especially with such total abandon. Mouth wide open and everything."
"Oh, shut up." City of Ashes

2. "It's not a file hidden in a birthday cake, but it'll keep my hands from falling off." City of Ashes

3. "Because you weren't in love with him. That's an iffy proposition, and I think he's handling it with grace. A lot of teenage boys would sulk, or lurk around under your window with a boom box." City of Glass

I listed the quotes in order of my favorites, so the first one won this week's best quote that I read. I just liked it because it was very funny to me at the time and made me laugh really, really hard. Partly because it was so absurd, and partly because I could just hear the sarcasm dripping from the words.

It also sounds like something I would say to someone.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Soul Meets Body

One of my all-time favorite songs. (:
By Death Cab for Cutie

I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel... Feel what it's like to be new

'Cause in my head there's a Greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place where
They're far more suited than here

Ba da, ba-da, ba ba
Ba da ba-ba ba-da ba ba
Ba da ba-ba ba da ba
Ba-da da da da...

I cannot guess what we'll discover
When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels,
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another's
And not one speck will remain

And I do believe it's true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes,
But if the silence takes you,
Then I hope it takes me, too

So, brown eyes, I hold you near
'Cause you're the only song I want to hear,
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere...

Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body

And I do believe it’s true,
That there are roads left in both of our shoes,
But if the silence takes you,
Then I hope it takes me, too

So, brown eyes, I hold you near
'Cause you’re the only song I want to hear,
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reading, reading~...

Finished City of Bones earlier this week, now onto book two of the series, City of Ashes. (:

The main reason I picked up that first book was because quite a few of my friends highly recommended the series. I can see why now. Basically, the story starts off when Clary, a fifteen year-old girl, stumbles upon a group of demon slayers called Shadowhunters and soon realizes that only she can see them. Then, while trying to figure out exactly why she can see them, her mother mysteriously disappears and the secrets tumble out from there.

I would recommend it. If you like Harry Potter or stories that include demons, monsters, and magic in general, you'd probably enjoy this series.

It also surprised me a little because I half-expected it to be similar to a lot of the "novels" directed toward teenage girls who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of vampires, judging by the first book's cover. However, the saying holds (don't judge a book by its cover) because this series could just as easily be enjoyed by guys. (:

Impressed so far, to say the least.

Random Fact of the Day for August 23rd~!

A can of SPAM is opened every four seconds.

...Great, now I want to watch Monty Python skits... x___X

Friday, August 19, 2011

Random Fact for August 19th, 2011~!

The magic word, "abracadabra," originated as a means of "curing" hayfever.

Friday's Status Update

A reading-login thingy is soon to follow.
Here's what I've read this week...

3 pages of Edgar Allan Poe's poetic works.
376 pages (the entirety of) The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan.
244 pages of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.
623 pages this week and this semester.

I wonder if there's a counter gadget that I could use for this...

Pretty sure I met this week's pop fiction quota...
Just saying, this may very well clue you in to who I am if you didn't already know.

Top sentences of this week's reading:
3rd Place: (from City of Bones) "Nice to see she's doing a booming business. It's hard to get steady prophet work these days..."
2nd Place:

So, 'bout this blog...

First of all, hi. If you're reading this, thank you. I feel a little bit special (even though I have no way of knowing you're looking at this, right now...).

Second of all, did you look up? (: If you did, what did you see?
The title of my blog...it isn't just something random I used because I couldn't come up with something really crazy-awesome.
Honestly, it's from a Jones Soda bottle cap. Upon reading it, I laughed aloud and did what it told me to, though a little warily.

I'm one of those people that looks at everything. Whether I'm riding in a car, walking down the street...anytime, anywhere. And every morning on my way to school because there almost always seems to be a beautiful sunrise outside my window. However, I've come to notice over the years that not a lot of people do the same...

...Therefore, this is my blog title. I keep that bottle cap in my room, sometimes in a jacket pocket and whenever I absent-mindedly pull it out and read it, I look up. And every time, I see something different. Something I probably would not have seen had it not been for something as simple as a soda cap.

By this point, you may think I'm silly or crazy or all of the above; I enjoy the flash of curiosity or inspiration that strikes me during those moments. But I want you to be able to use this blog, whenever you read it, as your bottle cap. It may be the same thing that you see every time: the ceiling of some place in your home, the white sectioned ceiling of Mr. Hill's classroom, the similar ceiling of the library...

But at least there will be that fraction of a second, even just the first time, that you wonder what you'll find.