Friday, November 11, 2011


This is it. However, even though the required blogging has come to a close, I'm not so sure I'll stop. (: Follow me if you decide the same.

Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

My reading mostly occurred directly after school, in bed before I turned off my light to go to sleep, while watching TV with my mom (except during a few select shows), and whenever I found a quiet moment over the weekend in which I couldn’t bring myself to write. I sometimes took my book in by the computer with me while scouring Facebook (I have dial-up internet…it entertained me while the pages loaded) and working on my stories, though it was very rarely that I started reading while I was trying to write, only when I needed a kick of inspiration.

I can only really write while listening to music, not so much read. Music, for me, relieves stress and causes ideas to happen, so it’s ideal for writing. However, while I’m reading or doing homework, it thoroughly distracts me (mostly because I have almost a chronic case of singing along to things). As for the phone, I never check my phone, haha. I can’t text; my cell phone exists solely for calling my parents when I’m out.

There have been books I’ve sat down to read that I kind of have to force myself through, but for the most part it’s very easy for me to get lost in a book after the first twenty-five pages, even less if it’s an amazing book by my standards (The Forest of Hands and Teeth was that way). In other instances, it may take longer (like Thirteen Reasons Why) for me to become enthralled with what I’m reading, but it still happens eventually. This is the main reason why I don’t like to give up on a book.

I talk about books to a couple of my friends, sometimes my mom. However, for the most part, I seem to be more interested in books and writing than my friends and I read very different things than my mom, so… No, not really. I wish I could talk about reading and writing more though, considering how much I love both.

It's been a great experience. This is Marceline, AlyGator, Purple Leader,...and Aly. (: All signing off.

For now. ;)

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