Friday, November 11, 2011


This is it. However, even though the required blogging has come to a close, I'm not so sure I'll stop. (: Follow me if you decide the same.

Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

My reading mostly occurred directly after school, in bed before I turned off my light to go to sleep, while watching TV with my mom (except during a few select shows), and whenever I found a quiet moment over the weekend in which I couldn’t bring myself to write. I sometimes took my book in by the computer with me while scouring Facebook (I have dial-up internet…it entertained me while the pages loaded) and working on my stories, though it was very rarely that I started reading while I was trying to write, only when I needed a kick of inspiration.

I can only really write while listening to music, not so much read. Music, for me, relieves stress and causes ideas to happen, so it’s ideal for writing. However, while I’m reading or doing homework, it thoroughly distracts me (mostly because I have almost a chronic case of singing along to things). As for the phone, I never check my phone, haha. I can’t text; my cell phone exists solely for calling my parents when I’m out.

There have been books I’ve sat down to read that I kind of have to force myself through, but for the most part it’s very easy for me to get lost in a book after the first twenty-five pages, even less if it’s an amazing book by my standards (The Forest of Hands and Teeth was that way). In other instances, it may take longer (like Thirteen Reasons Why) for me to become enthralled with what I’m reading, but it still happens eventually. This is the main reason why I don’t like to give up on a book.

I talk about books to a couple of my friends, sometimes my mom. However, for the most part, I seem to be more interested in books and writing than my friends and I read very different things than my mom, so… No, not really. I wish I could talk about reading and writing more though, considering how much I love both.

It's been a great experience. This is Marceline, AlyGator, Purple Leader,...and Aly. (: All signing off.

For now. ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

On Writing...

So, hopefully if you've read more than one post on my blog before, you know I write like a maniac. This includes poetry and song lyrics, but primarily novels. I've completed eight novels and a short story over the past two or three years, all spread out of course. However, I have like thirteen ideas for books that never quite made it past page 15 where paper is concerned.

I don't have a particular genre that I stick with except the fact that in almost every one of my books, there's some sort of supernatural aspect and a bit of a love story twisted in. Other than that, time and setting vary, plotlines differ immensely at times...etc.

My most recent finished novel is my pride and joy, entitled The Night. It came out to 120 pages (though that page number is growing as I edit) of single-spaced 10-point text. A simplistic title, yes, but the storyline makes up for it because it's truly the most complex plot I've ever planned out and written up.

I love writing. Absolutely love it. I may write up a synopsis for The Night eventually, but you can ask Ty Thomas if you know him, I had a minor seizure trying to intelligently explain it just because there are so many details to consider, especially surrounding one of the protagonists, Shay, who cannot remember the first 19 years of her life. The lost piece of her past remains a partial mystery throughout, though the reader starts out knowing more than she does, just not all.

The Night will have three follow-up novels, the first of which I'm working on right now and finally having some effortless success with. (:

Will post more about this in the future problamente. (:

That's all for now~

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hear You Me (May Angels Lead You In)

by Jimmy Eat World

One of my all-time favorite song lyrics is in this song:

"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go."

It's made its way into my art projects, been referenced in things I've written, etc. I just love it.

There's no one in town that I know.
You gave us some place to go.
I never said thank you for that.
I thought I might get one more chance.

What would you think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
now I'll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me, my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

So what would you think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
now I'll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me, my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.

And if you were with me tonight,
I'd sing to you just one more time.
A song for a heart so big,
God wouldn't let it live.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

May angels lead you in.

Currently speaking... (Over the past two weeks, anyway)

Secrets and Shadows - Shannon Delany (304 pages)
A Need So Beautiful - Suzanne Young (267 pages)
Ninth Key - Meg Cabot (287 pages)
Divergent - Veronica Roth (487 pages)
Anna Dressed in Blood (147 pages -- Still reading this one.)
Total for this week... 1492 pages.
Two weeks ago's total: 1014 pages.

Semester Total So Far: 9613 pages.

Sentences of the Week:

And in my last second, all I can think is: it is so beautiful. - A Need So Beautiful

It's her. She's flickering in and out like an image on a computer screen, some dark specter trying to fight her way out of the video and into reality. When her hand grips the rail she becomes corporeal, and it whines and creaks beneath the pressure.
She is terrible. Not grotesque, but otherworldly. - Anna Dressed in Blood

1st) Mustardseed grinned at Bertie. "I was never any good at geometry, but you're stuck in a (love) triangle, aren't you?"
"Shut up," she ordered, even as Moth asked, "But what if there were four of them?"
"That's a love rectangle and five people would be a love pentagon."
"And what are six people in love?" Cobweb demanded.
Mustardseed thought it over a moment. "Manslaughter, I suppose." - So Silver Bright, Lisa Mantchev

This sentence wins the prize for the past two weeks because I cracked up laughing. XD

A Haunting Read

May I just say first that I love the cover art of this book.
Secondly, the book is awesome, too.

This is centered around Cas Lowood, a high school student whose occupation is killing ghosts. He is the only one in the world who can manage this, and before him, his father until he was murdered by one of the ghosts he'd sworn to kill. This is no secret; he gets tips and letters from all over the world requesting his abilities and he travels with his "kitchen-witch" Wiccan mother and their black half-Siamese cat, Tybalt, who can sometimes sense the ghosts Cas searches for.

Their latest move is to a town called Thunder Bay, where Cas has heard tales of a house on a hill, its hallways prowled by a phantom locals refer to as Anna Dressed in Blood.

Real name, Anna Korlov. She was brutally murdered in 1958, and she still wears the white dress she wore on the day of her murder, which now drips blood at the hem.
Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian house she used to call home.

But she, for whatever reason when Cas steps over the threshold, spares his life.

I'm about halfway through though I just started it yesterday and it's really good, but very intense. Definitely recommended if you want to sleep with the lights on. (:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Masks" by Shel Silverstein

Happened upon this while servicing in the library today. (: I really liked it and it'll soon find its way into my Moleskine.

She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by--
And never knew.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Book Line-Up

I'd better get reading... x___X I think I have an addiction to books. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it gets to the point that I end up checking out books whenever they appeal to me and I think I'm going to read them. I always do in the end, but I cause myself a headache every time I look at the stack and consider the due dates...

So, here's the order of my future reads. (: Hopefully I'll get them all in before our blogging stops.

After I finish Divergent, I'll be moving on to:

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
You Against Me by Jenny Downham
Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton
Starlighter by Bryan Davis
Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee


Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
(Which I have been dying to read! No pun intended...)

Wish me luck and that's all I can say. (:

The difficulty of being different.

Currently reading Divergent by Veronica Roth, a dystopian novel set in Chicago where whatever path you take changes both your life and you forever.

In society, there are five factions, each dedicated to a particular virtue: Candor (honesty), Abnegation (selflessness), Dauntless (bravery), Amity (peacefulness), and Erudite (intelligence).

Every individual must choose a faction to join on their sixteenth birthday, including, main character, Beatrice Prior, who really does not know what path her life will take. You see, she is torn between remaining true to her family or finally being true to herself.

After she makes a choice that even surprises herself, as it turns out, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, and finding previously missing meaning in her life.

I love this book. Thankfully, I didn't make the mistake of returning it today after getting irritated with the writing style. If there's one thing I've learned this semester in Etymology, it's to not discredit a book simply because it can be frustrating to read for a while. If I had conformed to my previous writing style peeves, I would have missed out on this awesome story.

Divergent is certainly different from the books I usually read. Instead of having any supernatural twist to it, this novel is purely human and corrupted without the help of monsters. I believe anyone could read this book and enjoy it, especially if the twisted dystopian genre is something you already know you like. It's very interesting and enthralling, containing a good mixture of fight/battle scenes (which are plenty) and emotion.

Divergent is one of those novels that can paint pictures in your mind, consequentially grabbing you and not letting you go, even after the conclusion.

Definitely recommended. I'd be doing a diservice to this piece of literature if I didn't. (: